Tuesday 21 November 2017

                                             My Role in Society

Society is a group of people who commonly share values, requirements and interests. It is not necessary that I have to deal with a big step that will then change the society; I can do small favors to build this world. Secondly, we can become a leader of a community by placing our ideas with much evidence. For example I have interest in saving our environment, by saving the trees. So, I can start a community that plants trees and prevents deforestation. This small step of me becoming a leader can be followed by different followers, the people who support my idea. As a citizen we should also keep our society fair and peaceful. I have the role and responsibility to follow the laws such as crime prevention and obey the rules of society. I see daily many people including young and elder they don't use helmet while riding bike and they know that it is against the rules of traffic law and car driver don't use the seat belt while driving. wearing helmet and seatbelt is not only for just traffic law but also it saves your precious life. As tiny drops of water make up a sea, as small components of particles come together from their unity and make up a planet, Almighty Allah
has given us an opportunity to change this world in a small way but with our own thoughts not of others.